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Strange Jewelry Series

General Description

The universe of Strange Jewelry is where a few people on Earth have unusual pieces of jewelry with weird gems in them. Some people call them unique, others call them eye-sores. But the owners call them the Stones. The Stones more than just valuable lumps of mineral, as they provide their owners with special talents. Not talents like playing the harmonica, or being a volleyball champion. Instead, they get skills like turning invisible, or slowing down time. Some of their powers are less impressive like knowing for sure when it's going to rain. Most of the people who guard the Stones are part of one of two organizations; the Agency or the the Alliance. There are a few others that don't want to align themselves with either faction and prefer to remain independant. The biggest probem with owning one of the Stones isn't just trying to keep it a secret that you can read minds at a poker table, but that there are those out there that would have no problem with parting you with that special necklace by removing you head. The dangers that Guards face is the main reason they join one of the two groups which provide an added layer of protection. But, there are more than just people out to get the stones. Some "Thing" is traveling an astonomical distant to get not just one, but all the Stones. Along the way, it intends to kill ALL the Guards as well.


Guarding Stones

The story chronicles the adventures of three seemingly average people: Perry, Iris, and Coral, who all own an unusual piece of jewelry that gives them unique and specific talents. Not talents like being able to play the clarinet, or tie a knot in a cherry stem with their tongue, but talents like turning invisible or slow down time. The three protagonists find themselves being hunted by assassins who will not hesitate to kill them and take their gems the first chance they get. Neither Perry or the ladies want to see anyone get hurt, but need to protect their gems. They choose to run far away where the pursuers won’t find them. That ploy has worked in the past when they’ve found themselves in trouble. However, it might be more challenging this time as the thugs seem better organized this time. If they want to survive, they will have to use their singular talents and outwit the killers. Maybe even form some new alliances.

Along the way, they will travel through quaint towns, sprawling cities, and relaxing countryside in an attempt to find a little peace and quiet. Too bad the assassins don’t care much for peace, although they do pride themselves on doing their job quietly.


The Green Ring

The Green Ring is the second book in the Strange Jewelry series. It is also the first part of a two-part story, with the Blue Diamond being the second book. This fantasy comedy is set in 1996

David Greene is a regular guy with a regular job, and enjoying the standard American dream. He lives in a fine old house in Orange County and has a beautiful young fiancé. Everything is going great for David! That is, until an unusual ring with a green stone catches his eye, changing his life forever. David quickly finds himself caught up in a series of bizarre misadventures that are wilder than anything he could have imagined. It seems like there’s a new danger around every corner. So, this dull as dishwater dude finds himself now being chased, threatened, shot at, kidnapped and worse!
The only way he will survive the new threats is with the aid of a bunch of strangers he has just met. And STRANGE doesn’t even come close to describing them! They have abilities that defy logic. These talents even seem magical, though they don't define them that way. David doesn’t really want to associate himself with the group, but gets convinced that joining up with them is the only way he can survive to see another day. Unfortunately, there are people out there that would be glad if he didn’t.

If that isn't bad enough, some "thing" is headed toward Earth intending to steal something that will make it immensely powerful. So powerful that it can destroy any world it chooses, including Earth!


The Blue Diamond (pre-production)

The Blue Ring is the second part of a two-part story; The Green Ring being the first. The Blue Diamond is the third book in the Strange Jewelry series by Mitch Mitchell. It is currently scheduled for release on November 1, 2022.

In this installment, David awakes in the hospital from his near-death experience as a changed man. His old, boring life is gone. He looks different, think different and even his name is different. He's now Alex. Alex and Max move on with a new life, but one that includes even more adventures and misadventures. To start with, they need to get Alex's green ring back! The "thing" that has been heading toward Earth has finally arrived and it's already started putting the Stone Guards in harm's way. Alex and Max team up with others from The Agency of Stone Guards to combat the unseen adversary and his henchmen.