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The Author, Mitch Mitchell

Mitch has lived most of his life in San Francisco, but was born in one of those mountains states. You know they ones, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado or some such. To outsiders, they all look the same. The point of that is that Mitch had a somewhat "rural" childhood. Or, if you prefer; he comes from good redneck stock. But he also spent the later part of his childhood and early college days in norther Orange County. Mitch escaped the OC to get his BA at San Francisco State University where he graduated Magna Cum Laude.


The Books and Stories

Mitch has written a great deal over the years. Most of it isn't worth sharing as it's technical instructions, policies, procedures, bylaws, and other dry corporate paperwork. Right now, the only three published works are in the Strange Jewelry series which are available on Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle formats.



David Pyrotus has been my editor for the Strange Jewelry series. He's much better at organizing than I am, not to mention a better speller!



This Website

This domain and website are owned, built, maintained and updated solely by Mitch Mitchell. All material and media are copy written and the property of Mitch Mitchell. Please request written permission before using anything found here.